Best Birthday Flowers to Gift for each Month

As a florist, people often ask me: what flowers should I gift during each birth month? You might not be aware that there are particular types of flowers that are associated with each month through the year. This could be important to keep in mind when you are arranging birthday bouquets for your loved ones. Below, you’ll find the flowers associated with each birthday month.



If your friend or family has a birthday in January, you might want to consider a carnation. These are always popular for weddings and there is a certain distinction to this choice. It also symbolizes love, making it the perfect choice for birthday bouquets at any time of the year. The history of carnations dates back thousands of years. Part of the reason why they are perfect for January is that they grow beautifully in winter.


The best happy birthday flowers for February are certainly primrose and violet. Some people find this quite surprising as they expect it to be roses, due to it being the month of Valentine’s Day. However, this choice is connected to the birthstone of the month. Amethyst perfectly matches these flowers. They tend to symbolize key concepts such as spiritual humility and faithfulness.


The birth month flowers for March are daffodils and jonquils. This is mainly because March is the month when spring comes into bloom. These beautiful little sunshine flowers bring plenty of happiness and joy. They’re also often associated with luck and are the national flowers of Wales. They have existed in the UK since the 17th century.


Gentle soft daisies and sweet peas are the ideal birthday bouquet choices for April. While more popular in fields than in a vase, they can still be a great choice and are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. It’s interesting to note that daisies are believed to be one of the oldest flowers on Earth. They could date back to at least 3000BC.


Lily of the valley is the choice for May and it is thought to resemble motherhood as well as happiness. As such, this could be a wonderful choice if you’re lucky enough to have a mother whose birthday falls in May. These are also associated with deep legends and have ties to the Garden of Eden.


Rose and honey suckle are the typical flower choices for June. These are a fantastic option because they are available in such a wide variety of colors and shades that they could match virtually any taste. It’s also interesting to note that the colors of these flowers all have different meanings behind them. Suitable for any occasion roses symbolize beauty and honor.


Water lily and delphinium are the preferred birth month flowers for June. These are commonly associated with happy and cheery thoughts. In Britain, they are also a common choice for bouquets regardless of the occasion. They also tend to be found in local woodlands around different parts of the UK. Ancient Greeks gave the flowers their name and they can grow as high as six feet tall.


If you have a friend with a birthday in August, you might want to get them a bouquet with gladiolus and poppies. These flowers are very popular through the late summer months of the year and are available in a range of different colors. They were originally found in the heart of South Africa centuries ago. The name of the flowers also means ‘sword’ and is related to their pointy shape.


The birthday flowers for September were aster and morning glory. These were named after the Greek word for star, largely due to their shape. These are beautiful choices and are mainly found in shades of pink, white, and lilac. These quickly become one of the most vibrant flowers around during September at the start of autumn.


Marigold and Cosmo are the perfect flowers for this month of the year. They have gorgeous colors that perfectly match the fall season and are often widely favored by gardeners. In the past, they were believed to have magical qualities and are still admired for their beauty today.


Chrysanthemum is the ideal choice for November. They are popular due to the wide range of colors that they are available in. They were originally grown in China and have their own day - the Festival of Happiness.


As you might expect holly and narcissus are the flowers of December. This is the perfect choice for the festive season and provides a joyful option for any birthday bouquet.

We hope this helps you find the perfect birthday flowers for your family member, friend, or loved one. Your local florist, Flowerama Mundelein has beautiful flower arrangements and designs to choose from. Have your flowers delivered straight to your front door with our flower delivery options in Mundelein, IL.

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